What a fun and rewarding day today was — we finally reached a major milestone. We met in the sound studio to record the “scratch” narration, voiced by Kat Tatlock, who is also the film’s co-producer. It went well and we enjoyed how a few medical terms in the script tickled Kat’s soft palate…like oto·lar·yn·gol·o·gy. It tickled our funny bone too.
I do feel a sense of relief achieving this goal. As well, our video editor has received all the video required for cutting the first version; though he had to transfer video that was already captured from previous editors. These are the hiccups one has to accept when changing editors, apps and hard drives. There are zillions of technical challenges that present themselves during transitions, but the heavy lifting is done. A few metaphors come to mind: I no longer feel like Sisyphus; the monkey is off my back; I made it past heartbreak hill.

Our new friend, Eric, is the sound engineer working the controls and patiently recorded the session. That’s Chuck, our editor (click on picture for more).
Phew. Thank you, dear God! There are several more significant updates coming in the next few weeks.
Stay tuned, stay healthy, enjoy the spring and all the hope it brings!