pat585 replied to the topic conducting properties of bacteria-produced wires in the forum General Article Library 13 years, 3 months ago
Wonder is this has anything to do with Morgellon’s threads?
pat585 replied to the topic Press Release for Film in the forum "Why Am I Still Sick?" – The Movie 13 years, 9 months ago
…if a movie will effect the current medical paradigm?
“While the film … paints a grim [though true] picture of the diagnostics infrastructure within the American medical system, it presents a number of available solutions for patients suffering with biofilm infections, especially in the dental, wound and ENT areas.”
I believe this…[Read more]
pat585 replied to the topic CASE STUDY: Undiagnosed and Untreated Chronic Bacterial Infection in the forum The Standard of Care 13 years, 9 months ago
Tonsils. We do T/A’s frequently. Those little crypts that hold tonsillar liths are generally described as calcium and other minerals deposits in the tonsils that cause halitosis. My daughter had one that we put under a microscope (no stain) with phase contrast. Now there may have been Ca and Mag in the lith, but the most notable things we saw were…[Read more]