Reply To: CDIABU Animation Lab

#3379 Score: 0
    2 pts

    Michael, Maria, Matthew, Nicholas, Michael, Sean, Randy, Andrew, Amanda, Kiran!

    Thanks for your time today. It was a very motivating and positive experience for me in so many ways. I realize I presented vast amounts of information, but I hope I was able to provide the high points that we’ll need to get started. To encourage proactive communications, please:

    1. Subscribe to this topic, so you will know when any of us post to it. You should be emailed when a new post is published (Thread tools > subscribe to this thread)

    2. Upload a picture as an avatar to your profile; use your headshot if you are amenable. See If you don’t want to use your own picture, choose your “favorite microbe!”

    3. Call or email anytime with questions!

    Thanks again.