The Silent Role of Biofilms in Chronic Disease › Forums › Biofilm Community › Seventeen Million › CDIABU Animation Lab
- This topic has 52 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 3 months ago by
This post is for the digital animation class. Post here with any comments or questions on the animations to be created for the film.
This is a very helpful introductory to biofilms:
This is posted in the “Introduction to Biofilms” forum as well.
Here’s a link to the pseudomonas bacteria, which we will be modeling:
Molecular Movies – A Portal to Cell and Molecular Animation
Search for pseudo, then click on the animation….
Pseudomonas | Graham Johnson
PDF attached. If you need the hyper links, I can send you the Word version.
Dr. Randy Wolcott’s ground-breaking paper is attached. It’s the first paper that summarizes the depth and breadth of how chronic bacterial biofilm infections affect so many people (millions) and increase the costs of healthcare (billions). The table also describes the number of deaths, but does not provide a “suffering quotient” or “index” that describes how many people suffer with chronic infections.
Not included in this paper:
– 43,000,000 people with chronic sinusitis;
– millions of people with unreported or undiagnosed chronic bacterial infections.
Chronic wounds medical biofilm.pdf -
Michael, Maria, Matthew, Nicholas, Michael, Sean, Randy, Andrew, Amanda, Kiran!
Thanks for your time today. It was a very motivating and positive experience for me in so many ways. I realize I presented vast amounts of information, but I hope I was able to provide the high points that well need to get started. To encourage proactive communications, please:
1. Subscribe to this topic, so you will know when any of us post to it. You should be emailed when a new post is published (Thread tools > subscribe to this thread)
2. Upload a picture as an avatar to your profile; use your headshot if you are amenable. See If you dont want to use your own picture, choose your favorite microbe!
3. Call or email anytime with questions!
Thanks again.
Hi all,
I just spoke to Dr. Wolcott, a biofilm expert and a probono consultant for this film project. He provided a helpful article which includes a nice graphic of a biofilm; pls see the attached: s.
Please note:
– This is very technical information. Feel free to read the article, but the main thing to focus on is the illustration on p. 1320, diagram of a medical biofilm.
– Randy suggested the importance of showing the TWO WAYS in which a biofilm colony can “seed” other colonies elsewhere in the body. These two ways are:
1. Seeding dispersal;
2. Detachment fragments.I’ll discuss / reference these stages in another post.
Biofilms cause persistent infections.pdf -
I am hesitant to post this article because it is long and technical. Also, there’s limited amount of content that speaks directly to the final stages & dispersion of biofilm. Nonetheless, here it is.
Film 1: 20-40 seconds with Audio
Animation of the 5 stages of growth from seeding to formation of biofilm to planktonic shower. Focusing on formation developing on artificial surface such as hip joint or spinal disk.Film 2: 20-40 seconds (possibly with Audio)
Animation following the planktonic shower dispersing into the blood, arrival of antibiotics killing all but .1%. zoom out then zoom back into another area of the body as that .1% as it reseeds .(if time allows):
Heavy slimers bacterial bioilm growth, showing a much thicker layer of bioilm polymer around the bacteria.
Intubation tube contamination depicting insertions of intubation tube through the mouth, where it picks up microbes and carries them to the lungs where a new infection builds.
We can do both options of the final stage, the only hesitation we have is the continuity of the the second film. It would be a different animation for film, from what we’ve read and been told (and I could very well be wrong) Antibiotics can’t get through the film, and if they’ve broken off in a clump of biofilm it would just go straight to the “reseed”. If there were individual bacteria then we can keep the scene where the antibiotics kill off most of the bacteria but leave some to reseed.
What are your feelings?
Firstly I’m sorry it says pseudomonIs not pseudomonas, I realized after putting them through it was misspelled, wont happen again.
There are three movies, anyone with access to this forum can view them but they’re not listed in the youtube directory.
film 1
YouTube – storyboard.avifilm 2- planktonic shower version
YouTube – storyboard2.aviFlim 2- fragment detachment version
YouTube – storyboard3.aviI’ll post some screen shots and renders of what we’ve come up with 3D wise later this afternoon.
pseudomonas cells.jpg
KneeBones2.jpg -
if there are inaccuracies please let us know!
veins wall.jpg
spine 2.jpg
red blood cell.jpg
pseudomonas cells biofilm.jpg
spine.jpg -
Outstanding efforts all! I looked at all the video animations and they look great, as do the pictures. I will view each several times and provide more specific feedback in the form of comments and questions. I’ll ask for feedback from others too!
Some comments in order of time sequence in seconds:
1. 14 seconds: I am confused about the solitary bug on the surface, only in terms of the incoming pseudomonas;
2. 24 seconds: Is the first bug shown thats grown into the new colony? The issue of growth and the connectedness must be easily grasped by any viewer;
3. 37 seconds: the side by side comparison is awesome! Can we zoom in on each of the two dispersal types, then show complete separation:a. planktonic pseudomonas leaving the biofilm
b. biofilm mass with planktonic components separating the colonyRelated comments:
1. I like the style, color and overall effects;
2. The pseudomonas should have a wiggly tailFILM 2- PLANKTONIC SHOWER VERSION: YOUTUBE – STORYBOARD2.AVI
1. Why so many spelling errors? ; )
2. However pseudomonas is depicted in one video should be consistent for others.
3. I love the colors and contrast in this one; this helps viewers more easily differentiate between objects and helps with the intuitive aspects of understanding spatial relationships, a very important concept in this biology lesson which is very abstract for most people.
4. For this animation, lets start with a chronic wound in a patients foot. Show detachment from a deep, ugly, infected foot (I have pictures and videos).
1. Can we start this one with another source of infection? See table 1 in Dr. Randy Wolcotts article CHRONIC WOUNDS AND THE MEDICAL BIOFILM PARADIGM. A common infection involves catheters, so it would be educational, and synergize with the video content in the film.
2. Are we using this style of animation? (See previous comment.)Other comments: Can we use all of the animations for the film?
I’m really impressed with these storyboard/animatics! These are going to be great! I don’t want to put the cart before the horse, but is it possible to see the models of the actors in the piece? That would help solidify the look and feel before you get down and dirty with the animation.
Sorry, my bad for not seeing the second page. The models look great! I agree with Rich that they should have squiggly tails. I’m curious how they are going to move? They seem somewhat stiff right now but that might be because they are just stills. Having them tumble around the way they actually would do in the blood stream might be a bit more realistic and give an organic feel to them.
What do you think Rich? Is this important or am I getting caught up in the details top much?
Moki, this is good information indeed. At this point, any feedback is useful for all of us. We are all breaking new ground with this animation and there be many assumptions and judgement calls along the way. I enjoy the challenges that this creation process presents.
Team CDIBU, I have a few more fun challenges for you to consider:
1. Id like to name the project that describes all these animations. Lets brainstorm today; well decide in our call this morning. Should the team be named too!?
2. Id like you to come up with the image for a DVD which will contain all these animations. Id like you all to have these for your own professional portfolio. Also, Id like to include a video of me presenting our work for this project. Ill use this DVD for various presentations in the coming months. At some point, Id like to have a conversation about copyrighting this content too; as there will be a widespread interest in it for myriad reasons.
Team x, talk to you shortly!
BTW, the animations that you are creating will be news to most of America, as will be the film to be released in Q1 of 2011. This film is a potential game changer in health care it will help patients, doctors and researchers rethink how they deal with chronic health conditions. So, some creative themes to consider for the project, relative to the previous post:
– Change;
– Health care improvement;
– Education;
– New paradigms in thinking about disease;
– Helping people by relieving suffering;
– Saving tax dollars;
– Listening to a new message, perhaps a hail mary pass;
– The biology lesson that was skipped in 8th grade.Get it? Good. 😉
Nice job today, team x! One of my follow-up tasks is below.
__________________________________________Foot wound video:
Wound image with vasculature:
Or review images by searching Google images, using the term:
diabetic foot wound
Or try this link and see if this works:
As we discussed earlier, I would like to embed the foundation’s corporate logo in each animation, since this video will be mass-viewed/embedded/lifted in the future. The logo is attached.
Perhaps it could be inserted in this way, I’ll defer to the group to decide:
1. Show in a corner of the frame for 2-3 seconds in the beginning or end of the clip
2. Show only in the beginning or end;
3. Show throughout.Whatever the case, it should be unobtrusive. If this file is not sufficient for whatever reason, I can email it to Amanda as a precautionary measure.
rgb_apf.jpg -
Thanks for the feedback Richard!
And thanks for the videos, those will come in handy. We’ll decide on how best to incorporate the icon in the video but one idea tossed out there was like they have the NBC peacock grayed out and visible in the corner throughout.Minutes from this morning’s meeting.
Film one
[*]We’ll be adding more (10-20) introductory bacteria, and the tails will be moving.
[*]Final spinal implant to be decided today by Richard, in terms of most surface area in relation to bacteria growth.
[*]Time/preliminary animation will be worked out by us Thursday this week to help aid narration length.
[*]The final scene will be side by side comparison of the shower and the fragmenting zooming in close up as they detach.Film two
[*]Sticking with the presented color scheme.
[*]Planktonic shower will be the “hero” of the second film.
It will start from a chronic diabetic foot ulcer from which we’ll zoom in to find the bacteria moving through the blood and begins the
“chase scene”
[*]Lands on knee prosthetic and begins the process again.Film Three to be done if there is time, or after practicum is completed, would involve a detachment fragment and start from a catheter.
Duration of clips will fall to us, but must be fixed, in terms of adding more animation, by the time final renders start on the 13th.
We will get preliminary animations for the first two clips for view by the 5th, Richard will get us a preliminary script by Monday the 9th and which disk we should be using for the animation.
Thanks again!
Ill read it more carefully later today and may reply with more detail. In the meantime, going forward, please use this artificial disc image (its a Synthes ProDisc):
Or try this link with Google Images:
The few infections I’ve seen first-hand in patients involve this device…
We decided on “bio-lumination” and we’re the Bio-luminaries
since we’re helping to illuminate people to the biofilm subject. Nod to Sean!
Sound good? -
You guys are one-stop shopping!
Film One:
YouTube – Clip_One_Rough_Cut.mp4Film Two:
YouTube – Clip_Two_Rough_Cut.mp4View with a grain of salt till I can add some commentary a little later, but first I must eat! 😮
This is amazing work. Wait a minute, you guys are in a class and did this?! 🙂
I watched them both and they look great. I’ll watch them 1.1 zillion times later today and provide detailed feedback tonight/tomorrow.
I will also ask for input from Randy and Moki. Also, I will start with the scripts; Randy’s help is key with these…
Outstanding work! 😀
We’re so psyched you like them!
Here are a few notes to keep in mind everyone while watching them,
Film one:
Is not to scale yet, its just at 640 for right now.
Please ignore the bump in the camera in the growth stage, that’s a simple adjustment we need to make in our editors.
The camera pan around the growth is going to be adjusted.
The split screen at the end will hold a few frames longer and can hold longer than that if you need more time in the script.
Also the Fragment dispersal is not the final design, but just so we could get the comparison for right now.
This is not the final production quality, 😮 can’t stress that enough! There’s still some calculating and tweaking, the growth is automated and adjustments take time.Question regarding the introduction, we had an idea to start with your logo and the head becomes the crystal ball. This would be good for the stand alone but we’d make it so it could be cut out for the insertion into the movie. Does that sound interesting?
Film 2
We wanted to add more of a transition between the shower and the start of the chase scene just to give better context. This will add a extra 5 seconds or so.Lastly do you like the icon in the corner the whole time? We can leave it out for film insertion but add them for the stand alone internet versions.
OK, I think that’s what all I have. Watch, enjoy, and thanks again! And have a wonderful weekend!
.. see, spell check!
Hey all,
I viewed the videos in detail and will provide comments in person tomorrow. (Amanda, can we do 1:00 PM instead of 11:00 AM?).
I am working on the first draft of the first video, editing it down while making the audio file, which I’ll bring on a memory stick (.wav format) and play on Monday.
I’ve not heard from Moki or Randy but hope to before tomorrow morning.
YouTube – Clip_One_Rough_Cut.mp4
Seconds: 00-12: (focus on spinal prosthetic)
Narration 1: To illustrate the stages of bacterial biofilm growth, well show a patient with a prosthetic joint in their lumbar spine. The life cycle starts when bacteria enter the blood stream from any number of infection routes and evade the immune system or antibiotics. (18 seconds)
Seconds: 13-19: (showing pseudomonas entering blood stream):
Narration 2: Formation begins with the weak or reversible attachment of free-floating microorganisms to a surface. An organic layer composed of polysaccharides or glycoproteins adsorbs to the substrate, changing the physical properties of the host tissue or prosthetic surface. (18 seconds)
Seconds: 20-26: (bacteria find tissue to land on and then attach themselves):
Narration 3: If the hosts immune system or antibiotics do not clear the bacteria, they anchor themselves permanently using cell adhesion structures such as pili. This enables the arrival of other cells by providing diverse adhesion sites and build the matrix that holds the biofilm together. The biofilm is now encased in a protective matrix and becomes more resistant to host immunity.
Seconds 27-38: (bacteria creates a biofilm community)
Narration 4: Some species are not able to attach to a surface on their own and anchor themselves to the matrix or directly to earlier colonists. Cells now communicate via quorum sensing and the community grows through a combination of cell division and recruitment. The development of this complex, polymicrobial biofilm makes these communities increasingly antibiotic resistant and includes diverse species of bacterias, viruses, yeasts, minerals and more.
Seconds: 39- 49(split screen shows both types of dispersal: planktonic and fragmenting, zooming in on planktonic)
Narration 5: The biofilm also recruits excess neutrophils, pro-inflammatory cytokines and excessive host-derived proteases, providing it with nutrients. Bacteria now exist in multiple forms and metabolic states. The biofilm itself is now its own phenotype and becomes nearly impossible to eradicate. At a future date, it continue its life cycle by releasing entire fragments of the biofilm community and/or enabling planktonic bacteria to once again begin the infection process.
Hello Richard!
Looks good so far!
1 p.m. should be fine, we have a meeting with our advisor at 1:30 but it’s so she can get a progress report. I’m seeing if she can come earlier but even if she can’t, if you don’t mind a little extra company.. ?See you tomorrow!
More comments & posts coming tonight. Here are some nice images for this week or new animations at a future date.
Biofilm Drawing.jpg
Wound-biofilm-figure-A.doc -
YouTube – Clip_One_Rough_Cut.mp4
Seconds: 00-12: (focus on spinal prosthetic)
Narration 1: To illustrate the stages of bacterial biofilm growth, well show a patient with a prosthetic joint in their lumbar spine. The life cycle starts when bacteria enter the blood stream from any number of infection routes and evade the immune system or antibiotics. (18 seconds)
Seconds: 13-19: (showing pseudomonas entering blood stream):
Narration 2: Formation begins with reversible attachment of planktonic bacteria to a surface. A layer composed of polysaccharides or glycoproteins adsorbs into the substrate, changing the physical properties of the surface. Created by the human host, this conditioning coat now on the prosthetic surface is composed of fibrinogen, intravascular proteins and immune cells. Irreversible attachment to these host proteins is a strong signal to the bacterium to begin biofilm formation and is the first committed step of biofilm growth. (34 seconds)
Seconds: 20-26: (bacteria find tissue to land on and then attach themselves):
Narration 3: If the hosts immune system or antibiotics do not clear the bacteria, they anchor themselves more permanently using cell adhesion structures such as pili and receptors called epitopes. This encourages new species of bacteria to attach to newly arriving cells providing diverse adhesion sites and build the matrix that holds the biofilm together. The biofilm are now encased in a protective matrix and become more resistant to host immunity. (29 seconds)
Seconds 27-38: (bacteria creates a biofilm community)
Narration 4: Some species are not able to attach to a surface and anchor themselves to the matrix or directly to earlier colonists. Cells are now able to communicate via quorum sensing and use small molecules to regulate gene expression within the bacterium that make up the biofilm. The community grows through both cell division and recruitment. The development of this complex, polymicrobial biofilm makes these communities increasingly antibiotic resistant and includes diverse species of bacterias, yeasts, minerals and host proteins. (37 seconds)
Seconds: 39- 49(split screen shows both types of dispersal: planktonic and fragmenting, zooming in on planktonic)
Narration 5: The biofilm continues to recruit excess neutrophils, pro-inflammatory cytokines and host-derived proteases, producing a plasma exudate, a continuous source of nutrients. Bacteria now exist in multiple forms and metabolic states. The biofilm itself is now its own phenotype and becomes nearly impossible to eradicate. At some future date, it may continue its life cycle by releasing entire fragments of the biofilm community and/or enabling planktonic bacteria to once again begin the infection process. (39 seconds)
Total length: 157 seconds 😮
NARRATION SCRIPT ONE-Randy’s Comments.doc
I bold-ed thetime from our recordings.
Narration 1: The life cycle starts when bacteria enter the blood stream from any number of infection routes and evade the immune system or antibiotics. (8 seconds)
Narration 2: Formation begins with reversible attachment of planktonic bacteria to a surface. A layer composed of polysaccharides or glycoproteins adsorbs into the substrate, changing the physical properties of the surface. Created by the human host, this conditioning coat now on the prosthetic surface is composed of fibrinogen, intravascular proteins and immune cells. Irreversible attachment to these host proteins is a strong signal to the bacterium to begin biofilm formation and is the first committed step of biofilm growth. (30 seconds)
Narration 3: If the hosts immune system or antibiotics do not clear the bacteria, they anchor themselves more permanently using cell adhesion structures such as pili and receptors called epitopes. This encourages new species of bacteria to attach to newly arriving cells providing diverse adhesion sites and build the matrix that holds the biofilm together. The biofilm are now encased in a protective matrix and become more resistant to host immunity. (25 seconds)
Narration 4: Cells are now able to communicate via quorum sensing and use small molecules to regulate gene expression within the bacterium that make up the biofilm. The community grows through both cell division and recruitment. The development of this complex, polymicrobial biofilm makes these communities increasingly antibiotic resistant and includes diverse species of bacterias, yeasts, minerals and host proteins. (23 seconds)
Narration 5: The biofilm continues to recruit excess neutrophils, pro-inflammatory cytokines and host-derived proteases, producing a plasma exudate, a continuous source of nutrients. Bacteria now exist in multiple forms and metabolic states. The biofilm itself is now its own phenotype and becomes nearly impossible to eradicate. At some future date, it may continue its life cycle by releasing entire fragments of the biofilm community and/or enabling planktonic bacteria to once again begin the infection process. (31 seconds)
So just rehashing what we talked about, it needs to be 27 seconds less. Bringing the total time to 90 seconds.
Thanks again for coming in today, it was very helpful!
YouTube – Clip_Two_Rough_Cut_3.mp4
This is the version we showed you this afternoon, plan for total time 50 seconds. -
Hi Amanda,
Sorry, can we have a quick chat regarding this narration reconciliation? I am at 781-937-8843.
: o
Coming in 10 minutes!
; )
This version might do it. Pls test it and let me know if it’s OK.
This is a rough draft….less detailed than film 1, but that’s OK!
_______________________YouTube – Clip_Two_Rough_Cut.mp4
Seconds: 00-5: (focus on foot wound)
Narration: Diabetic foot wounds often involve bacterial biofilm infections.
Seconds: 7-10 (zoom in on planktonic bacteria in the foot wound)
Narration: Upon closer inspection, we see that an entrenched, mature biofilm community is releasing planktonic bacteria into the patients bloodstream.
Seconds 11-20 (bacteria moving through the blood and begins the “chase scene”)
Narration: The host immune system responds by sends a flurry of immune cells that attack the invaders. The majority of planktonic bacteria are killed by specialized immune cells, but some bacteria evade attack by using sophisticated tactics.
Seconds 21-25: (bacteria escape immune system or antibiotics and find host tissue):
Narration: Bacteria that escape find a suitable surface on which to settle and start the entire growth process over again.
Seconds 26-33 (bacteria land on knee prosthetic and begins the process again):
Narration: Unfortunately, a bacterial biofilm community has now colonized on a prosthetic knee implant and may present problems to the patient.
Thank you for getting those to us so quickly, we timed them out and the first comes to 95seconds but it’s fine we’ll work with it. The second times out perfectly! Thank you!
More to follow as the week goes on!
Here is a snipit for you, my classmate Matt will post one a little later as well but just so you can start to see how it will look.
There is one more effect we’re adding to make it look like a liquid environment.This is from clip two the second to last scene after the chase, where they touch down on the knee surface.
YouTube – 2nd Animation ReseedHave a good weekend!
Amanda -
Outstanding work!
Here is the chase scene clip I’ve been working on…
Well done. But a little too well done! I got motion sickness watching it! 😉
Just kidding. It will be interesting to see the end product; its speed, synchronicity with the narration, etc.
I had the thought if we should anywhere insert text that says something like “oversimplified for animation purposes…”
Any way, see you Monday at 1:30 PM. Thanks!
Hey Team,
Rather than lunch, I was hoping we could arrange the following schedule though it will cut into your weekend (while helping you avoid rush hour traffic!):
4:00 PM: Pictures by the waterfall & bridge (there are steps there), appr. at 191 Moody Street on GoogleMaps.
4:30-7:30 PM: Early dinner at Biagos Ristorante & Bar to celebrate the animations completion. It will be my treat to a dinner buffet, just a small way of saying, Thank you for providing $25,000 worth of animation services!
Hi everyone,
Sorry Friday did not work out for everyone. These are the revised plans:
1. We will have dinner next door at Ponzu on Tuesday afternoon. I’ve arranged some yummy menu items with Bill, the owner and chef. We’ll have some tasty dishes in the back room from 4:30 PM on to appr. 7:00 PM.
2. Your presentation is at 1:30 PM on Tuesday, but I’d like to precede yours with a brief informal overview & commentary for the other BU people I’ve not met. Can you all help me with this –even if it’s a guess:
– total animation time for BOTH videos;
– total amount of man hours for the entire project.Can someone reply to let me know that the whole class get this message. Thanks again!!!
Hi there!
Ponzu sounds terrific, thank you so much!!For your debriefing (rough estimate)
around 120 hours of animation
1440 total time ( lighting, texturing, modeling, post, storyboard etc) Phew!What a month!
See you Tuesday and thank you again for the opportunity, you’re going to be floored!
Heres the menu for our Tuesday celebratory dinner:
Roti Prata (Stuffed Indian Bread)
Steamed Vegetable Dumplings
Wasabi Pork DumplingsEntries
Vegetables with Red Coconut Curry
Tropical Mango Chicken
Baby Buck Choy
Malaysian Indian Style Noodle with Stir-Fried VegetablesCoconut Rice
Brown RiceBeverages will be served, but if you want wine or beer, theres a cash bar there. Let me know if you have any other preferences or dietary restrictions and Ill be happy to plan accordingly.
Hey Mike et al,
If you have the artwork image for the DVD cover, can you send it to me, or attach it here? Thx!
[ATTACH=CONFIG]48[/ATTACH] Hopefully this will translate for you, we can also throw it on the hard copy DVD for you!
Have a good weekend!!!
dvd cover2.jpg -
Thanks everyone, for allowing me to be your first client. Yesterday was really exciting for me for a long list of reasons heres but a few of them:
1. I couldnt wait to see the animations, but I am glad I did! Like I said yesterday: WOW?! You all did a great job and should be very proud of your accomplishments! In the coming months, you will see how this project will help many people better understand the threat of biofilm infections.
2. Giving me the chance to share and present my passion for this project was helpful and cathartic for me. Having one foot in the grave for several years because of the mycoplasma pneumonia infection, healing, then coming back to help others is really a testament of human spirit. Working as a team, we will make a difference with this film. Dont EVER forget the VALUE and POWER of what you have done to help people!
I had fun working with you as a group, and I am a bit sad that it has come to an end. Ill continue to update this topic as I develop the animations further for YouTube, along with any other big announcements.
I attached a low-res picture of the BioLuminares team herein. I have other pics that are 1.7 to 3 MB and PhotoShop Worthy if anyone cares to tweak them. ; )
Thanks again everyone. Continue to do great things!
BU Animation Class 010 (Large).jpg -
Here’s one more pic. If anyone can tweak this, I’d love a copy to send to Dr. Wolcott, and maybe include in the DVD too. If anyone is amenable, I’ll send the high res copy.
By now, everyone has decompressed and is working 28 hours a day, right?! ; )
I just wanted to let you know that I’ve transferred/duped the animations to DVDs, so each of you can have your own copies. The label is quite unsexy; but the digital duplicator (Coptech Digital) can do some amazing color labels if we care to get fancy-schmanzy in the future.
So, in the meantime, I’ll provide 10 copies to Kiran to make them available to you for your portfolio. As you may know, the files are hefty and will have to be transferred to the PC/Mac for playing (as far as I know). They are on a dual-layer DVD.
Kiran, let’s touch base to arrange a drop-off or lunch….
Also, I am networking a bit for you all in case it helps nurture some job opps for any of you.
Thx again for the great work!!! 😎
Hey BioLuminators!
I wanted to share some work in progress its a 12 minute video / 3 part clip explaining the film Seventeen Million. Some of your creative genius is in here:
YouTube – Pre-trailer for “Seventeen Million,” Documentary on Biofilms
My presentation was put together quickly (my choice). Accordingly, I will be replaced with an actress, Alexi Panos, who will present on my behalf. Well dress her up a bit, but she already has done some high profile gigs, like with JetBlue.
We will edit Alexis presentation for brevity and also shrink the PowerPoint bullets into more accessible bytes. If you have any feedback, we would love to hear it on the YouTube site or by email or phone, whatever suits you.
Your work is very much appreciated — I’ve not forgotten the value of what you created. And thank you Sean, for your extra efforts in getting this video put together and published!
Thanks, merci beaucoup hope all of you are well.
I hope all of you are well! I just wanted to make sure you received copies of the animations you produced — which I transferred to DVD with my non-profit logo and such. Did everyone get a copy from Urvi?
Thx again!
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