January 2012 Projects

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    • #2759 Score: 0
        2 pts

        Welcome new friends! Here’s the spring team:

        Graciela: The new editor who will help bring the film to the next level. I was introduced to her by Howard Philips, one of the instructors at BUCDIA. Gracielia is from Venezuela and speaks several languages, a handy skill for us since our film will translated into French, Spanish and Chinese!

        James: I met James at Lesley University, my alma mater, and he will be interning for the non-profit Jan-May. He has an interesting background in the arts. I really like some of his work that I’ve seen on his web site (© James F. Kraus/Art Guy Studios) . James may be doing a mix of projects that suit his experience, interests that also benefit the APF: DVD cover design, eBook illustrations, grant writing and more.

        Cacky: I met Cacky at Lesley. Like James, she’ll be interning and focusing primarily on getting the film into the public eye; e.g. entering it into film festivals, using social media, finding supporting grants for end-stage films and more. Cacky’s film that I saw is intense, raw and professional – I see a lot of the raw emotion that I wished could have been in my film.

        Welcome aboard everyone, you will make a difference here! 🙂

      • #3500 Score: 0

          I am very excited to begin work!

        • #3501 Score: 0
            2 pts

            Thanks Cacky! I am psyched you are part of the team. Hey, BTW, is your film short live, to share with others?

          • #2758 Score: 0
              2 pts

              Jon: he is our sound engineer, finishing up at BUCDIA. He will be helping us fix the many sound problems in the film, and helping me record the narration parts too. He may be coming up with temp music for the film too; maybe sound effects. We’ll figure this out soon.

              Vivian & Luiz: Vivian is a musician and now composer at Berklee. Luiz is her hubbie also at Berklee. Please see the blog link here with their cute picture.

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