It has been some time since I updated all of you on the progress of the film, so it’s apropos to mention a few amazing things that have propelled this project to completion. We are almost there — just a few months from release.
Actually, I never knew much about making a film. Never went to school for it. But I learned a great deal from my first video, Getting Back on Their Feet, which gave me some good training wheels.
If I didn’t have training wheels in 1967, I surely would have hit the apple tree near my driveway.

Actually, I found it: head on.
Since 2008, my video producer Moki taught me about training wheels and how to ride a bike. During this odyssey of video journalism, I managed to find some apple trees. And stone walls. And other stuff that almost veered me off course.
Despite these obstacles, we have finalized the script and completed the first & second version of the film, approximately 82 minutes worth — a bona fide feature length film. Though the content is somewhat “technical,” the reviewers understood the interviews with patients and doctors understood and related to the subject matter; an obviously critical measure of a compelling documentary.
Other wonderful people found us through circumstance and we’ll be acknowledging them in the months and years ahead for their interest in the film. These folks really care about helping millions of people with chronic bacterial disease find wellness.
Initial reviews of the script and 2nd version of the film were more positive than I thought, so we are on track: full speed ahead!
Next update: Musical composition for the film.